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How to turn a simple stretch t-shirt into a wrapped crop top?

This DIY project I saw on "A Pair & A Spare" and I really like to show you because it's so simple and it took just 5 minutes to create. The only things you need to make it, is a t-shirt and a scissor. 



So have fun while creating your own wrapped crop top.

Let's get started!


1. Step:

Take your t-shirt and put in on its front. So the back towards you.




Cut out the back.

To do that we gonna cut 2 lines up the sides and then stop almost centrally. You should stop to cut around where the bottom of your bra would be or even a little bit before. That's up to you how much midriff you wanna show. But basically we want that the back of the t-shirt covers the bra.

If you were really careful you could mark the hight with chalk or fabric pen to make sure that you cut both sides to the same hight. But I would like to show you that you don't have to do that. It's really easy and you can do it by eye.



Firstly make sure not to cut the other side (front side) of the fabric and also to cut outside the seam. Don't cut this too high. It's always better if it's a little bit too long. If it's too short you may be in trouble.



To check if the lines are straight or you've cut them to the same hight, just fold it up and you gonna see if one side is lower the the other side.



3. Step:

Next step is to cut across the back. and meet those two lines that you've cut before. Also here you can use chalk if you wanna mark the line to make sure it's perfectly straight. But you really don't have to.



4. Step:

Now we gonna flip over the t-shirt. So the front is facing you and we gonna cut from the neckline down to the hemline a straight cut through the entire length. After that you gonna see that the top opens out like a kind of cardigan. 



That's it. You made it!!! Your own and unique wrap crop top.

To wrap your top all you need to do, is to take hold of the two long tails in the front and wrap them around the back and tie them in a knot.



This is where choosing a bigger size of the t-shirt works well. Because that means that you've got more fabric to tie the knot in the back. 



Last thing you should do before head out the door, is to check that the neckline is nice and clean. You might need to fold the edges inside the neckline if you think they are looking a little bit too raw.

Check out how I combine my light pink DIY wrapped crop top i did some weeks ago. I chose a white dungarees to cover a little bit my tummy. I felt more comfortable.



Thank you very much for checking out my DIY wrap crop top tutorial. Hope you having fun and you gonna try it. If so, please leave a note below to share your exppieances and tell us how it works for you.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Have a nice weekend!




Photos and Styling by Look2ocean