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New Logo, new blog and a new chapter in my life.

Today I close the door to my old blog and open the door to my new one.

Yes, I think it's time for something new. Because everything fits perfectly together right now. I stepped through some beautiful and not so beautiful things in the last months but now I'm going to open a new chapter. 



Every new beginning starts from some other beginnning's end. So let me introduce you my new blog. I hope you like it as I do. 



I designed it more clean, sophisticated and elegant. From time to time we should open our world for new possibilities. Because to get something you never had, you have to do something you've never done. 

So let's change something. Change happens to us all, it’s simply a part of life. I know, often we don't like it. But eventually, something comes along to shake us out of it. We have to start looking at change as a good thing. Because there are some reasons why:


  • Change helps you grow
  • Change teaches you to be flexible

  • Change can challenge your values and beliefs

  • Change reveals your strengths

  • Change breaks up routines

  • Change offers opportunities


I would like to take the opportunity to thank my husband for these awesome pictures, which he captured last week. I'm still looking to the ocean, but in a different way and from a different angle. The point of view is still the same, it will always be the ocean.


Looking to the ocean now I understand,
Love is like the open sea,
And I wish you were here with me

~ Ziggy Marley



In this sense, stay tuned, be open minded and enjoy my new blog.


Loads of Love



Pics by Daniell Bohnhof Photography

Styling by Look2Ocean