My Quarantine Moments Which Helps Me To Keep My Course - Gran Canaria

Long time ago that I publish something new on my blog. Due to the HBO Production I have worked for the last 4 weeks, I had unfortunately no time to write any blog post. This time I worked as supervisor at the costume department, which was my first time. I wanted to do it well and that’s why I have been busy with almost no social life. It was a quite hard time, but in the end everybody was happy and that’s important for me woking as a freelancer. 

But I also realize during this production that I started to appreciate or even miss that quarantine period we had due to Covid-19. We could enjoy doing things we usually always put aside. We had time to come down, unwind and think about what we really want. In that fast-moving, oh so trendy and digitally networked world, we had the opportunity and luck to get back to the reflection on the essentials. 


In retrospect for me it was a big gift. Because I regained my values and the consciousness what is important in my life. Besides, without this break and rest, which we all had forcedly, I might not have managed this production. Two productions in a row the first one with travel to Germany/Denmark and the other one started directly afterwards without any break. 

I know for many of you it was a difficult time and I rally understand it. I also had my troubles during the quarantine period that’s why I would like to show you my quarantine moments which helps me to keep my course.

When we finally where allowed doing sports in the morning from 08:00 to 10:00 I always went, even without waves, with my longboard on the water. Just being in the ocean and paddling around helped me a lot to keep my course. After we couldn't go to the seaside for weeks, it was an incredibly joyful feeling being at the ocean again. 


In the early mornings we had such a beautiful light with amazing sunrises, the dreamy shimmering of the water surface, rainbows we could watch being far from the shore. 


This is for me the best and most beautiful place, where I really feel connected with nature that I can be carefree and comfortable, because there are no „If’s“ and „But’s“. You are just there without needing to perform and to do your best. You are simply there to enjoy that moment what mother nature has given you.

Everyday my longing goes more and more to less comfort and luxury but more freedom, unwind and feeling carefree without pressure and to do’s.


Do you also learn or got something “good” from the quarantine period? Did you also have you quarantine moments, which had a positive effect on you and you are grateful for?

Let us share our quarantine moments which have kept you on course. Leave a comment below if you like.




Pics by Daniell Bohnhof

Text by Look2 Ocean