A Little Reminder From The Ocean - Lanzarote

Last year in November we traveled to Lanzarote for a little surf trip at Famara Beach. It was such an amazing weekend and and I realized once again how “Being in Ocean” just makes me happy and think about some interesting things. Especially today on Easter Sunday let us drop our useless baggage that we carry, like old habits, old pains, old wounds old ways of seeing and feeling.

A Little Reminder From The Ocean

That’s why I would like to explain you what makes me think different and makes me more happy. There are a few different reasons for me, which I would like to tell you about. Because when I became aware of them, everything was much easier for me. I think they’re some beautiful and simple analogies that we all can apply to our own lives and maybe they will help you as much as it helped me.

A Little Reminder From The Ocean

For the ones who feel alone and different:

Always when I look out on the water and I see how every wave has its own timing and shape, but each wave uniquely yet collectively belongs in an ever-moving seascape, it reminds me that we humans are also unique and different, but we all belong to the same whole and we need each other to be able to move things forward. We need those who are loud and powerful as well as those who are quiet and focused or even those who are humble and gentle. Everyone is doing their part.

A Little Reminder From The Ocean

For the ones who don’t feel valuable when they don’t make process:

Take one wave at the time. Because it’s ok if it takes time to process, it’s ok to take your time to just be. You have value even when you not producing anything and you will still notice what is beautiful. Beautiful things take time. Invest your time in things that sustain you.

A Little Reminder From The Ocean

For the ones who cannot give grace themselves:

We have never shamed the waves for arriving on the ocean shore any sooner than they were meant to, you simply accept that these waves keep on moving whatever pace they need to. What a difference it would make if you give yourself this same grace?

A Little Reminder From The Ocean

For the ones who are asking “I’m enough?”:

The current of the ocean has an interesting effect that might help you answer this question. As a surfer I know very well about ocean current, but I just want to focus on one part.

Ocean current has two main types, which is surface current and deep open current. The movement at the surface level controls 10% of ocean water, while deep currents mobilize the other 90%.

A Little Reminder From The Ocean

Although they have different causes, surface and deep currents influence each other in a complicated cycle that keeps the entire ocean moving. The moving water pulls on the layers below, and they in turn pull on the other layers below. That means they only work with each other.

What if we could see our lives in this way? What if our actions on the surface were also important? We put so much pressure on ourselves to do more, be more, and go deeper, but what if surface time is important too?

Surface level often has a negative meaning, but what if simply drinking a glass of water and looking out at the ocean matters too, even if we struggle to see it that way?

A Little Reminder From The Ocean

What if just by being here and getting through the past year, you have accomplished so much and you are enough as you are?

A Little Reminder From The Ocean
A Little Reminder From The Ocean

Sometime we don’t realize all the good things, so this was a little reminder from the ocean.

Let this be the April where you learn to believe in yourself.

A Little Reminder From The Ocean

Have a great start into a new week.



Pics by Daniell Bohnhof

Text by Look2 Ocean